Le développement durable des hommes et des affaires
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A la Une

Serious Games - Séminaire

Participez à nos jeux de stratégie et de gestion d'entreprise lors de votre séminaire réalisé sur mesure pour vos équipes!

 Ca m'intéresse!

Formation Développement personnel et managérial

Développez l'ensemble de vos compétences nécessaires à votre évolution personnelle et vos besoins professionnels!

 Ca m'intéresse!

Changements: Fusion / Acquisition / Transmission

Nous vous accompagnons dans vos projets et problématiques de changement!

 Ca m'intéresse!


Motivation de vos équipes, rapprochement clientèle ou fournisseurs, gestion des défis de l'entreprise...nous sommes là pour tout organiser!

 Ca m'intéresse!


Communiquez en Anglais >>

Développement commercial:Action! >>

Les clés d'une équipe qui gagne! >>

Transmission et création >>

Croyance > Motivation > Action! >>

Dans la peau d'un dirigeant >>

Création de valeurs au quotidien  >>

Vendre - Service compris >>

Management orienté client >>

Donnez du relief à vos évènements >>

Motivez en vous évadant >>

Une communication inoubliable >>

Recruter des talents >>

Un coach? Pourquoi pas! >>


  (33) 6 26 49 06 02



Meetings & Incentives


“It will take much more than computer-core                                      


     Computers communication in the future.”


           Jacques Séguéla




 “A society cannot outdistance its competitors if it

                                         Can make a difference it can preserve.”

                                                       Michael Porter




“Motivation is reversing the direction of energy.”

                                                                                    François Proust



Meetings and incentives can have several goals: motivation and stimulation, business intelligence, social and societal, information and communication, training and talent management, innovation and creation, change, development the acquisition and merger and many more…


The quotes above have a common need, which is the physical closeness of individuals to trade higher quality and thus undoubtedly circulate in a dynamic and agile the internal and external energies to build real distinct advantages to sustainably differentiate from competitors.


Our team, experienced in France and abroad in business travel and incentives, and for most graduate business schools, is to understand all these issues and therefore to propose projects in line with your challenges. Your events will highlight communication, motivation and action. All in a spirit of efficiency, excellence, and serenity.


Our mobility, our flexibility and creativity will be the major distinguishing factors to surprise you and so promote the development of your business and achieve your goals.


O ² Ways Business Events & Incentives anticipates and brings you to the basic needs of a dynamic business effectively to meet your requirements.



The meetings developed and delivered by O ² Ways Business Events & Incentives follow many themes:






























O² Ways Business Events & Incentives organizes for you exceptional meetings for you to satisfy all stakeholders of the company.


Our team is able to understand the challenges of your business and therefore we organize all the events related to these issues including:


Human Resources and Management:


Team building / motivation / Organization or re-organization / management conflicts …


Marketing and Communication:


Product Launch / Launch of a business / marketing plan …


Negotiation and Sales Techniques:


Use Product / Preparation of marketing plans / submissions and objections…


Customer Collaboration:


Thanks / New Projects / Launches…


Supplier collaboration:


Consolidate relations / Increased awareness / Development Projects / Communication..


Leadership meeting:


General Management / Shareholders / Strategic Development / Innovation / Projects…




Training Teams / Immersion / Serious Games…


Change management:


Merger / Acquisition / Creation…


O ² Ways Business Events & Incentives organizes meetings and incentives for small and large businesses. We have the skills to support all business areas. Also by its expertise and geographic coverage, these can be organized in the PACA region in France and worldwide.


Because of our dual role as a outgoing and receptive, we develop, organize and accompany French enterprises in all their projects, but we are also the perfect partner and relays for overseas Enterprises and organizations wishing to place in France meetings and incentives.


Contact us for a bespoke quote.


Motivation, passion and professionalism


for the development of business!


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