Le développement durable des hommes et des affaires
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Serious Games - Séminaire

Participez à nos jeux de stratégie et de gestion d'entreprise lors de votre séminaire réalisé sur mesure pour vos équipes!

 Ca m'intéresse!

Formation Développement personnel et managérial

Développez l'ensemble de vos compétences nécessaires à votre évolution personnelle et vos besoins professionnels!

 Ca m'intéresse!

Changements: Fusion / Acquisition / Transmission

Nous vous accompagnons dans vos projets et problématiques de changement!

 Ca m'intéresse!


Motivation de vos équipes, rapprochement clientèle ou fournisseurs, gestion des défis de l'entreprise...nous sommes là pour tout organiser!

 Ca m'intéresse!


Communiquez en Anglais >>

Développement commercial:Action! >>

Les clés d'une équipe qui gagne! >>

Transmission et création >>

Croyance > Motivation > Action! >>

Dans la peau d'un dirigeant >>

Création de valeurs au quotidien  >>

Vendre - Service compris >>

Management orienté client >>

Donnez du relief à vos évènements >>

Motivez en vous évadant >>

Une communication inoubliable >>

Recruter des talents >>

Un coach? Pourquoi pas! >>


  (33) 6 26 49 06 02



Institute & Management

We recognize that the development of human capital will be crucial in the development of your organizations and your future success.

Debates and economic and social challenges facing today’s new economic environment, facing a changing world, generate considerable managerial challenges.

How do we respond?

O ² Ways & Management Institute, involved in optimizing your performance and your resources, brings you daily solutions through three operating modes, which are:

- Education & training

- The Board & support

- Coaching & professional staff

O ² Ways & Management Institute has incorporated the fact that we are in the presence of knowledge workers or knowledge. In this context, management development and staff and will determine the value of your organization and your success. Through 3 “know-how” that is training, consulting and coaching, we meet all the expectations of supporting businesses and institutions. Moreover, they are certainly well separable, but are also highly complementary as challenges encountered and the nature and size of your organization. Overall knowledge of “managerial sciences”, “piloting business”, “information systems”, “HR levers and trends” and many other areas are of O ² Ways & Management Institute partner to complete you accompany your development plans or projects.

Training   & Training

Training is a major ongoing development of our business and our institutions, but especially in difficult economic times that we know today.

The company must adapt to changes and therefore acquire skills more appropriate. Formation contributes to:

· Anticipating skill needs in perspective of strategic change

· Raising the skills of your team

· Stimulating and maintaining team motivation

· The dynamic spirit, collective and creative of your organizations

· Helping people in professional difficulties

· The creation of a true sustainable competitive advantage

· The integration of new employees

· Accompanying the changes caused by different factors

· Reduction of the new phenomena of stress or discomfort

· Responding to new demands satisfaction teams

· The transmission of culture and knowledge in business

· …….

O ² Ways & Management Institute is distinguished by a dynamic approach to interventions, a pedagogy that meets the requirements of today and tomorrow, a speech adapting to very small businesses as the much larger, and finally a willingness and stakeholders shared enthusiasm for participants to integrate a maximum content for maximum efficiency and immediate application. Our success is measured through the satisfaction of those who trusted us.

The Board & support

Nobody can argue that the decisions of a leader, a manager, a supervisor, are easy to make, but there is nothing to prevent them. The news of recent years shows that the overall management of a company or institution can not be improvised. It requires much more than intuition and experience. The answers to questions are essential to companies piloting them. It is still necessary to ask the right questions.

Misconceptions or errors are often the cause of slowing your growth or even your failures. We can mention some below:

· The leader must remain master of events and take all decisions

· Poor mastery of management tools and in particular tools for decision

· To ask an adversary employees

· A boss can play its role only if he knows everything and can do everything

· The management is only common sense

· Employees only work for a salary

· The future is so uncertain that it is unnecessary to have a strategic

· ….

Moreover, it is absolutely necessary for business today but also for tomorrow to think mobility, agility, flexibility, sharing, shared competences, … An important truth for large enterprises requiring more skills related to new projects, mergers, acquisitions, geographical development, a strategic focus … But also for smaller companies seeking external advice skills or impossible to permanently integrate within their organization given the vagaries of the market but also financial burdens caused

O ² Ways Instiute & Management wants to be a partner complete all of your projects. Flexible solutions and flexible advice and support by business professionals.

O ² Ways & Management Institute is distinguished by a flexible, listen to your project, professionals involved in the success of your projects. We will be the stakeholder of the company necessary for an objective and confidential missions.

Professional coaching staff &

It is very common to talk about coaching in sports or politics. The coach accompanies the client regularly in the mind, in the development and application of new methods, in thinking of new strategies …. Overall he accompanied to improve concentration, its priorities, optimize results, without acting in his place. He knows and incorporates all the elements that can positively influence the results of his client. It does not take a decision in its place.

On business, the role of the coach is the same. Constant and regular work to objectively entrepreneur, the director, manager, department head, project leader, … identify strategies scenarios applied to his field, to develop tactics and many other points. The coach must have a comprehensive knowledge of management science but also the overall operation of the company.

A coaching approach focuses on the ability of each individual to find solutions for all the challenges caused by the level of responsibility.

The coach wants discrete, objective, faithful accomplice, extreme confidentiality but also a very high efficiency for greater success and satisfaction of its customer.

O ² Ways & Management Institute is distinguished by its flexibility, service skills, but also its adaptability for its actions. We assist you in the short term but we must realize the long term benefits through successful. Moreover, we have, through our activities, the knowledge that will help us in our mission.

O ² Ways & Management Institute offers coaching originality adapting very well to both small and large companies.

Boost your skills and target!





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