Le développement durable des hommes et des affaires
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A la Une

Serious Games - Séminaire

Participez à nos jeux de stratégie et de gestion d'entreprise lors de votre séminaire réalisé sur mesure pour vos équipes!

 Ca m'intéresse!

Formation Développement personnel et managérial

Développez l'ensemble de vos compétences nécessaires à votre évolution personnelle et vos besoins professionnels!

 Ca m'intéresse!

Changements: Fusion / Acquisition / Transmission

Nous vous accompagnons dans vos projets et problématiques de changement!

 Ca m'intéresse!


Motivation de vos équipes, rapprochement clientèle ou fournisseurs, gestion des défis de l'entreprise...nous sommes là pour tout organiser!

 Ca m'intéresse!


Communiquez en Anglais >>

Développement commercial:Action! >>

Les clés d'une équipe qui gagne! >>

Transmission et création >>

Croyance > Motivation > Action! >>

Dans la peau d'un dirigeant >>

Création de valeurs au quotidien  >>

Vendre - Service compris >>

Management orienté client >>

Donnez du relief à vos évènements >>

Motivez en vous évadant >>

Une communication inoubliable >>

Recruter des talents >>

Un coach? Pourquoi pas! >>


  (33) 6 26 49 06 02



Professional & Personal Coaching

«  There are doors on the sea that can be opened with doors »


Spanish poet Raphael ALBERTI 1902-1999




Independant professionals

Small entrepreneurs

Very small businesses

Medium-sized companies

Large companies

Companies on an international scale


Of course you have the skill set allowing you to control your daily activity. At first glance, it does not necessarily need a coach. However, the world moves, economic, social, societal, environmental changes more rapidly there over 20 years. It is absolutely essential to be constantly on the lookout to the vagaries of business. That is why, increasingly, like the sports world, managers use a coach for more creativity, proactivity, dynamism and efficiency. The company today and tomorrow must be mobile and agile.


 What can a coach of O²Ways Institute & Management bring you?


An accompaniment in meeting

The development and clarification of ideas

An external viewpoint

More objectivity in your analysis

A professional and personal support

A better vision of evolution

A constructive framework of reflection

Scenario building shared

Effective collaboration

The suppression of isolation


O²Ways Institute & Management offers a coaching combining the knowledge of company management and the consideration of the human dimension. We can accompany you on all the challenges you face. Our sole aim is to bring yourself or teams all creative ideas and rewarding to establish sustainable competitive advantage. Develop all your potential for your business.


How much does a coach of O²Ways Institute & Management cost?


The work done with a coach is a real investment for the future. It is therefore to ask the following question:


What will I gain ?  Or what is my Return  On Investment (ROI)

                                                    And not just what it costs..?


O²Ways Institute & Management, responsible and aware of its commitments, offers plans to suit your needs. A specific intervention, a monthly, quarterly, six monthly or annual. Moreover, the procedures can be performed in 3 formulas:


Presential / at distance / in immersion


Very affordable rates for self-employed, small businesses, entrepreneurs.


O²Ways Institute & management, distinguish itself by its flexibility, exacerbated listening and the desire to help effectively and discretion. We love to help you!

Develop and motivate your talents!

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